November 29, 2010

Vintage Christmas Die Cuts

I've been searching ebay for weeks now for some vintage holiday die cuts after seeing Daniels lovely die cuts! Then like magic I came across these while browsing the thrift store today!! I love the glitter!! I've got tons of  other vintage Christmas goodies that I've collected over the summer to share with you guys later this week!!

November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and What she wore

I hope everyone here in the states had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!! I'm such a nerd but not only was excited about spending time with family but I was also really excited about little girls newly found vintage Mary Poppins dress!! I'm not much into characters but when it comes to vintage illustrations...especially on children's clothing...well lets just say that I almost peed my pants when I found this dress!!

...and I tried to get a picture of me and her together as I really never take photo's of myself...but  she wasn't having that as you can see by the picture;) 

November 24, 2010

What she Wore: That 70's Show

 I know it's kind of funny, considering all the pretty dresses she has, but this one of my favorite vintage outfits for little girl! It's great comfy everyday vintage wear and it reminds me of one of my favorite TV show's, That 70's show!! I love the look of high-waisted wide leg jeans paired with a simple vintage velor sweatshirt:) Little girl was not really feeling much like having her picture taken today hence all the blurriness and all the pacifier's...haha:)  Tomorrow I've got a great vintage dress planned for little girl to wear to Thanksgiving diner! I got it couple of weeks ago and I've been dieing to share it with you guys!! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!:)

November 22, 2010

Cute....or Creepy Vintage

I came across these umm...I'm going to go with creepy ski mask patterns while flipping through one of my old McCalls magazines. I thought they were quit interesting and wanted to share:) What do you guys think...cute or creepy?

November 21, 2010

Betsy McCall Paper Dolls

I paper dolls!! Especially the little Betsy McCall paper dolls!!'s a website where you can download them for FREE!! These would make great Christmas presents, you could print them onto magnetic paper, print and laminate them, or just use them the old fashion way!! How cute and such fun! are a few of my you can see I had a hard time choosing:)

November 19, 2010

What She Wore

Vintage white dress from a recent estate sale and jeggings from Walmart. Below is a little dress I picked up from my parents house last night that was either mine or my sisters? I believe it's a Polly Flinders. I'm so excited for little girl to get to wear this!

...On a little side note I keep wanting to mention Rachel and Ruby's exciting new blog feature. They are doing a weekly "Vintage Here Vintage There" feature in which they are sharing secrets to their kiddo's and their own great vintage style! So if you love vintage clothes be sure to stop by and check it out!!

November 18, 2010

**Now in the Shop** Vintage Holiday and Winter Attire

 Please stop by and visit the shop!! I've added ton's of vintage goods for the kiddo's!! 

Papier Mache Magazine

Ahh Papier Mache Magazine how I love thee!!
 This has to be one of my favorite online magazines! Lovely images, style, and inspiration make up this most perfect online child themed magazine. Even if you don't have children I definitely recommend that you pop on over and check it out, as I'm sure you will not be disappointed.

 I have found a couple of other lovely online magazines that I will be sharing with you guys over the next few weeks, as they are full of inspiration, diy craftiness and such!! Online magazines are also green and most of the time free, so it really doesn't get much better than that! Please share if you have any online magazines that you love as eventually I would like to compile a lovely little list for people to reference:) Thanks!

All Images Via Papier Mache Magazine.

November 17, 2010

Vintage Flower Finds

Here's a couple of recent estate sale finds!! I have to say that the paper plates may be one of my most recent favorite finds. In all my years of thrifting I have yet to come across a retro paper plate set still in the plastic!! As you can see I have yet to open them:)
 This little pair of earrings use to be clip-on and I have since replaced them with brand new post.
....these are going to look perfect ironed on to one of little girls sweaters:)

November 10, 2010

Fun Photo Shoot

Me and little girl had a fun little photo shoot last week. I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time and it finally all came together a few weeks ago. I had my  photographer friend Adrian take the photo's and the lovely Laura Fauna let me borrow one of her fabulous handmade skirts for myself to wear!! Little girls wearing a vintage carters button down and I made her navy and vintage lace skirt. I'll have more photo's to share soon:)

P.S. Little girls telling me "no" because I asked her if I could carry the bags..LOL:)

November 9, 2010

What She Wore: Easy Peasy Vintage

I've always wanted to document some of my daughters fun vintage outfits like some of my  lovely fellow bloggers do:) So last week I finally got my daughter to stand still long enough to take a picture where you could for the most part see her outfit..LOL:) There's an adorable little Scottie dog on the front that's still sort of hard to see. How I LOVE easy vintage outfits, you know the one's that aren't fussy and they can actually go outside and play in! I believe this little top is from the 50's as I found it at an estate sale with a bunch of other 50's style outfits, including the little red dress below...hello Christmas dress:)

November 6, 2010

A Little Dream House

I'm still in the middle of a craft show frenzy...Yikes!!.....I'll share all the fun details later..LOL...but for now I was thinking about one little girls Christmas presents:) Even though she's really not old enough for her own dollhouse yet, I figure it's never to late to start collecting little bits and pieces here and there. You know for my..I mean her Christmas know:) Every little girls dreams of a vintage tin dollhouse with candy colored furniture and little dolls with perfect ponytails right! Here are some inspiring pictures I found over on flickr, I'm trying to get an idea as to what "look" I'm going for, I didn't really find exactly what is in my head. I really want a tin house with bright color's and pretty faux wallpaper and carpets. I've seen ton's over on Ebay, but there kind of pricey!  I just don't end up hoarding all dollhouse pieces that I ever come in contact I'm not going to lie this could happen:) They are just so irresistibly cute!

Vintage Caroline's Home dolls house

Sneak Preview


Children are nestled all snug in their beds...

Vintage Pink Tin Dollhouse

Glico teaparty

Cindy Whiteside Barbie Dioramas

Please click on photo's for a direct link to there source.


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